为成功的未来规划路线! A variety of programs of study are available at 杰克逊的大学, 包括副, 证书和学士学位课程. 课程被安排成路径, designed to create a clear path to an academic degree or certificate.
今天的农业和食品生产行业是多样化的领域,有各种各样的职业机会. Farmers operate farms that produce crops, livestock and dairy products. Typical tasks include all steps of the crop production process, 包括种植, 施肥, 收获和放牧.
Workers with good business and management skills 都很抢手. 业务 students are equipped with tools to analyze a business situation, 制定长期行动计划, 监督计划的实施, 并在此过程中做出无数大大小小的决定.
传播副学士学位是专为学生无缝地转移到一个学士学位机构和专业领域,如大众传播或新闻. 传播学学生通过创造媒体内容来应用基本的传播概念, 为企业制作信息, 政府, 以及教育机构, and analyzing relationships between individuals and organizations.
Dental hygienists work under the direction or supervision of a licensed dentist, 并且必须获得执业所在州的许可. Clinical responsibilities include oral examination; scaling and polishing teeth; exposing, interpreting x-rays; and other activities related to the oral health of the patient.
The study of 英语 lends itself to a wide variety of careers. The ability to read and write well and express one’s self is essential to many fields. 许多转学机构要求英语专业的学生精通一门外语.
全球网络赌博平台的电子竞技课程为学生在全球电子竞技行业的职业生涯做好准备. 学生将学习如何营销和推广活动. 毕业生获得策划活动的知识, 国务委员文化, 品牌, 球迷, 游戏产业的发展趋势. Graduates may pursue a variety of careers including esport team coach, 电子竞技赛事工作人员, 电子竞技场馆工作人员, 国务委员[…]
历史 examines the lives of people and the consequences of ideas. Study of the past reveals valuable achievements as well as dreadful mistakes, and in so doing helps us meet the unexpected challenges of our own day.
执法人员执行各种服务,以帮助保护公众和维持秩序. 它们可以执行各种功能, including: patrol a specific area; direct traffic; issue traffic summonses; investigate accidents; or apprehend and arrest suspect.
射线照相法 is an allied health career that examines patients using radiation, 超声波或磁场. 摘录, 也被称为放射技术专家, produce X-rays and use other imaging techniques such as CT and MRI, 对诊断医学问题至关重要.
Workers with good business and management skills 都很抢手. 业务 students are equipped with tools to analyze a business situation, 制定长期行动计划, 监督计划的实施, 并在此过程中做出无数大大小小的决定.
全球网络赌博平台的电子竞技课程为学生在全球电子竞技行业的职业生涯做好准备. 学生将学习如何营销和推广活动. 毕业生获得策划活动的知识, 国务委员文化, 品牌, 球迷, 游戏产业的发展趋势. Graduates may pursue a variety of careers including esport team coach, 电子竞技赛事工作人员, 电子竞技场馆工作人员, 国务委员[…]
To meet the ever-expanding demand for qualified health sciences professionals, 全球网络赌博平台的健康科学途径提供广泛的副学士学位和证书课程,以及集中和技能组合. 这些课程结合了课堂教学, 实验室经验和临床实践,以确保学生获得最新和最高水平的技能,在他们所选择的卫生专业. 对健康科学课程感兴趣的学生可以从他们的学生成功导航员那里获得入学要求信息.
Dental hygienists work under the direction or supervision of a licensed dentist, 并且必须获得执业所在州的许可. Clinical responsibilities include oral examination; scaling and polishing teeth; exposing, interpreting x-rays; and other activities related to the oral health of the patient.
射线照相法 is an allied health career that examines patients using radiation, 超声波或磁场. 摘录, 也被称为放射技术专家, produce X-rays and use other imaging techniques such as CT and MRI, 对诊断医学问题至关重要.
那些对人类服务途径领域感兴趣的人必须记住,这个领域是一个非常广泛的领域. 通过跨学科的知识基础,这条职业道路关注于满足人类的需求. 重点是预防和补救问题, with the main goal of improving the overall quality of life for others. Careers in this path are related to economic, political, and social systems. Individuals in the human service field might find themselves in a variety of careers, 包括心理学, 咨询, 社会工作, 政府, 法律与执法, 或教育. 人力服务职业最适合那些在帮助他人时处于最佳状态的人.
传播副学士学位是专为学生无缝地转移到一个学士学位机构和专业领域,如大众传播或新闻. 传播学学生通过创造媒体内容来应用基本的传播概念, 为企业制作信息, 政府, 以及教育机构, and analyzing relationships between individuals and organizations.
执法人员执行各种服务,以帮助保护公众和维持秩序. 它们可以执行各种功能, including: patrol a specific area; direct traffic; issue traffic summonses; investigate accidents; or apprehend and arrest suspect.
社会工作者s help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives. 计划从事社会工作的学生将学习识别影响个人及其环境的问题, 对种族问题有更多的意识和敏感, 种族, 宗教与性别.
Careers in the 文科通识途径 are related to the humanities and performing, 视觉, 文学, 以及媒体艺术. These include 3-D design and 动画; art, 广播, 沟通, 跳舞, 数码摄影, 英语(新闻, 写作, 和文学), 电影, 平面设计, 历史, 音乐, 法律系的, 世界语言.
The study of 英语 lends itself to a wide variety of careers. The ability to read and write well and express one’s self is essential to many fields. 许多转学机构要求英语专业的学生精通一门外语.
历史 examines the lives of people and the consequences of ideas. Study of the past reveals valuable achievements as well as dreadful mistakes, and in so doing helps us meet the unexpected challenges of our own day.
The theatre program at 杰克逊的大学 provides a comprehensive exploration of acting, 导演, 以及戏剧工艺的各个方面. 学生积极参与实际制作,确保对艺术的实际理解.
科学、工程 & 数学途径
你对事物的构造和工作方式感兴趣吗? 无论是观察人们, 动物, 植物, 机器, 建筑, 是地球还是宇宙, 理科学生, 技术, 工程和数学途径(STEM)有兴趣了解世界是如何运作的. 随着我们快速发展的技术, there are always new boundaries to push and new things to learn. 结果是, technologies we can barely dream of today will be the reality 10 years from now, and STEM students will be on the leading edge of those changes.
科学是一种发现宇宙中有什么以及这些东西今天是如何运作的方法, 它们在过去是如何工作的, 以及它们在未来可能如何发挥作用. Science 教育 should contribute to a student's ability to make sense of the world.
专业行业/工业.0 & 农业途径
你喜欢用你的双手工作吗? 你喜欢弄清楚事情是如何工作的并解决问题吗? 所有涉及专业技能和创造性思维的技术行业都有很高的需求. 专业行业/行业.0 & 农业途径 helps prepare you for these high demand jobs. 这条道路包括电气技术方面的职业, 制造业, 汽车服务, 能源系统, 农业和航空.
今天的农业和食品生产行业是多样化的领域,有各种各样的职业机会. Farmers operate farms that produce crops, livestock and dairy products. Typical tasks include all steps of the crop production process, 包括种植, 施肥, 收获和放牧.